So... They're at it again...Poor Eva 02...Why an excess of mist?A) Didn't wanna draw the bloody Eva 02B) I did this 5 minutes ago 'cuz I have been having way too much homework...C) There are some.. Production errors hidden in it...In other words:Sorry for the cheap image... Couldn't even erase or fade the joints of all Evas...
Someone in the Eva-geeks forum mentioned Halloween-themed images, I came up with this one, the other one (which I was suggested to make) is in production...Ain't Unit-02 original for costumes? Cosplaying himself Beast-mode!Note: Haven't you seen that Moon and stars before...?
I managed to end (sort of) my homework and made this!
This is the 1st image that features more than 3 Evas and ironically, they were taken separately...
Each Eva was photographed individually and then added to the BG, that easens the editing of the body armor, wrists and neck.
All the eyes (well, of those with eyes) were drawn on 'cuz they were almost invisible in the picture.
I wonder why it's everything burned up... Iguess someone dropped his N2 mine...
Finally! They're all complete!Mari "Parachuter" Makinami [A. K. A. Mari "4-eyed"; "hijacker"; "nutcase"; "Ze Bisto"; "pink-plugsuited"; "brunette"; "The Eva self-destructor" and "british-gal" Makinami] with the Mari-jacked Eva 02 is here!I was testing the last tree brushes I had, that's why it looks like a cheap diorama...Originally there was one of the Eva running with the Thunder-spear, but censorship forbade me to portray anyone running with a sharp object...Now, this was the first image that used a green-screen in the back to easen the BG removal... Wasn´t easier... I have to improve that...Now that Every figure I have has been made into a pic, its time to return to the old style (a couple of Evas fighting or remake a climatic moment in the Tv series or movies).I take requests!TKZ!